
How to start making money on YouTube

Как создать и как начать зарабатывать на YouTube. Возможности и варианты монетизации канала. Статья на английском языке. How to create and how to start making money on YouTube


It is unlikely that anyone will be able to dispute that YouTube is now in favor and is very popular. The availability of this video service allows everyone to create their own channel, but subject to certain rules. How to create and how to start making money on YouTube quickly and not very fast in this article.

My opinion on YouTube

Frankly, I once did not monetize my channels on YouTube. I created my first channel on June 5, 2013, since then only 12,187 people have visited it.

I use YouTube as a storage for video files and use the YouTube frame to host videos on the site. I don’t even use the editor of the creative workshop on the service, although they try to make it normal.

Monetizing a channel differently, using your YouTube channel for legitimate earnings requires a lot of time, which is simply not enough. If you want to earn money on the channel, you need:

  • Create a channel;
  • Follow all system rules;
  • Make high-quality OWN videos;
  • Optimize each video;
  • Complete the technical requirements to start monetizing;
  • To spin the channel in accordance with all the rules and laws of promotion.

How to create a YouTube channel

There is nothing easier than formally creating your own YouTube channel. I remind you that your channel allows you to post videos on the channel, comment on other videos and earn money, at least on advertising. At most on sponsors, a souvenir block or super chats.

To create your YouTube channel you need to do the following:

  • Create an account on Google;
  • Put the YouTube button in your browser (optional);
  • Log in to your YouTube server under your account;
  • Find the “Create video or other content” button;
  • The system itself will create your channel, you only need to arrange and configure it.

Channel design

If you are creating a channel for making money, you need to approach the design of the channel as creating a brand. On YouTube, a brand is defined by an avatar, which they call an “icon” and a background image. They need to be prepared in advance. Recommended background image 2560 × 1440 (up to 6 Mb). Remember the brand of stock photos do not.

The beginning of monetization

To start making money on YouTube channel advertising, you need:

  • For a year, gain 4000 hours of viewing;
  • And get 1000 subscribers.

There are two ways to solve these problems:

  • Working hard and everything will work out for you;
  • Or do legitimate cheating on subscribers or pay for youtube view.

The first solution is long, the second will require constant recharge, since after 2-3 months there is a high probability of unsubscribing of purchased subscribers.

How to create a unique channel look

Do not use stock photos for channel design. Visit these services and make a unique brand (logo image):

  • Canva;
  • Stencil;
  • Fotojet;
  • Snappa.

You can make an avatar here:

  • FaceYourManga (online);
  • FotoSketcher (program).

For video use:

  • VSDC Free Video Editor: Video editor for editing video files and creating video clips.
  • Bandicam: a program for creating screenshots and capturing video from a monitor screen.
  • Video MASTER: a powerful video converter, with a set of tools for processing videos.
  • ShotCut: open source.
  • Davinci Resolve 14: for professional color correction.
  • Avidemux: for quick cutting of material.


Now you know how to start earning money on YouTube quickly and not very fast. Forward!


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